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Benigne urologie uitklapper, klik om te openen
Chairs: Dybowski B, Heesakkers J; Presenters: Mainz M, Van der Aa F, Charalampous S, Finazzi Agro E, Marcelissen T, Wyndaele MIA, Thematic Session 6: Medical management of Overactive Bladder (OAB) European Association of Urology conference 2019, Fira Gran Via, Barcelona, Spanje, March 17, 2019
Gammie A., Finazzi-Agro E., Rosier PFWM, What developments are needed to achieve less invasive UDS? ICI-RS2019, discussion, Bristol, UK, June 6, 2019
Mancini V, Tarcan T, Wyndaele MIA, Proposal 3: “Is co-existent overactive-underactive bladder a real clinical syndrome?” 9th International Consultation on Incontinence – Research Society Scientific meeting, Watershed Media Centre, Bristol, UK, June 7, 2019
Rosier PFWM, Parameters for detrusor underactivity in women: Predictive value towards ineffective voiding in a large cohort of women with urinary incontinence. Extended Poster presentation, congress EAU 2019 Barcelona, Spain, March 15, 2019
Rosier PFWM, Lower urinary tract function and physiology & case presentations I. Hands on training Urodynamics.; congress EAU 2019 Barcelona, Spain, March 16, 2019
Rosier PFWM, Lower urinary tract function and physiology & case presentations II. Hands on training Urodynamics; congress EAU 2019 Barcelona, Spain, March 16, 2019
Rosier PFWM, Outflow obstruction is associated with (earlier) filling sensation and (higher) detrusor filling pressures in men but also in women. Extended Poster presentative: congress AUA 2019 Chicago, U.S.A., May 6, 2019
Rosier PFWM, Tweedelijns diagnose van dysfunctie van de lage urinewegen bij mannen >45 jaar, verwezen met klachten; objectieve stadiering en gradering. Presentatie: NVU voorjaarscongres Rotterdam 2019, 17 mei 2019
Rosier PFWM, NVU Kennis quiz: De richtlijn Mannelijke LUTS. Presentatie: NVU voorjaarscongres Rotterdam 2019, 17 mei 2019
Rosier PFWM, Proposals for the new ICS standard pressure flow analysis. Workshop-Chair-presentation: ICS 2019 Gothenburg, August 2, 2019
Rosier PFWM, The ICS teach the Teacher Course. Podium Presentation: Urodynamic experts round table ICS 2019 Gothenburg, September 3, 2019
Rosier PFWM, Mulder M, Geurts B.J. Kort LMO de, Full test head to head comparison of air filled versus ICS standard fluid filled urodynamics with specific analysis of cough pressure recording in both systems. Podium Presentation: ICS 2019 Gothenburg, Sweden, September 6, 2019
Rosier PFWM, Urodynamic stratification of bladder outflow obstruction in male patients; type of obstruction becomes relevant. Podium Presentation: ICS 2019 Gothenburg, Sweden, September 6, 2019
Rosier PFWM, Turner-Llaguno A, ICS standard bladder filling sensations and their relationship with filled volume and detrusor overactive contractions during cystometry. Podium Presentation: ICS 2019 Gothenburg, Sweden, September 6, 2019
Rosier PFWM, Urological age: A man is as old as his prostate, and as his flowrate. Poster-Presentation: ICS 2019 Gothenburg, Sweden, September 6, 2019
Rosier PFWM, Invited Lecture; Luncheon Seminar: The Frontline of Urodynamics
Meeting of the Japanese Continence Society Tokyo 2019, Japan, September 13, 2019
Rosier PFWM, Hands on Seminar: Introduction: Practice of high quality UDS measurement, The Basis of Good Urodynamic Practices. Meeting of the Japanese Continence Society Tokyo 2019, Japan, September 13, 2019
Rosier PFWM,. Lower urinary tract function and physiology & case presentations. Hands on training Urodynamics, IUGA Congress 2019 Nashville, U.S.A., September 25, 2019
Rosier PFWM, Pelvic Organ Prolapse and LUTS: IUGA Committee on standardization of diagnosis and management. IUGA Congress 2019 Nashville, U.S.A., September 25, 2019
Rosier PFWM, Poster: Cystometry filling sensation volumes decrease and pressures increase in association with the grade of bladder outflow obstruction. This well known for men, but now also confirmed in women. IUGA Congress 2019 Nashville, U.S.A., September 25, 2019
Schilham MGM, Oude Elferink P, Kort LMO de.
Predicting factors for successful urethroplasty; a single center study.
ICS2019, Gothenburg, Sweden September 3-6, 2019
Wyndaele MIA (workshop chair), Wyndaele JJ, Rosier PFWM, Oude Elferink P, Workshop: Management van neurogene blaas, 26ste congres van de NVDG (Nederlands Vlaams Dwarslesie Genootschap), De Hoogstraat, Utrecht, 18 mei 2019
Wyndaele MIA, Rosier PFWM, Open discussion poster: Does bladder dysfunction diagnosed with treatment simulating urodynamic studies correlate with lower urinary tract symptoms perceived after implantation of an artificial urinary sphincter for post radical prostatectomy urinary incontinence? ICS2019, Gothenburg, Sweden September 4, 2019
Abstract: https://www.ics.org/
Wyndaele MIA, Keynote speaker: Neurogenic Bladder & Bowel disorders, State of the Art Urology Conference for Nurses 2019, Hotel van Oranje, Noordwijk, 1 oktober 2019
Oncologische urologie uitklapper, klik om te openen
Blok JM, Meijer RP, Poel HG van der, Bex A, Bosch JLHR, Horenblas S
Laparoscopic postchemotherapy residual mass resection as an alternative to template-based PC-RPLND, poster presentation, congress EAU 2019 Barcelona, Spain, March 15-19, 2019,
Blok JM, Meijer RP, De incidentie en risicofactoren van een contralaterale testistumor, NVU Najaarsvergadering, 1 november 2019
Verpleegkundig specialisten, Elst MW van:
Mede-organisator en avondvoorzitter Thema-avond Prostaatcarcinoom; niet uitgezaaide ziekten; in samenwerkingsverband Meander MC, Tergooi, AvL, UMC Utrecht, Prostaatkanker Stichting
Vaste gastdocent Urogenitale tumoren; Hogeschool Utrecht/ verpleegkunde, keuzecursus oncologische zorg
Spreker Oncologiedagen 2019; plenaire sessie: “Één beeld zegt meer dan 1000 woorden”
Vast-commissielid congresredactie Oncologiedagen; hierbij afvaardiging van UMC Utrecht/ divisie Beeld & Oncologie in het algemeen en urologische tumoren in het bijzonder
Kinderurologie uitklapper, klik om te openen
Hermsen-Heilema l, Dik P, Bruijn-Kempe E de
Option for non-surgical treatment of stenosis in continent catheterizable channels
30th Congress ESPU-Nurses, Lyon, France, April 2019
Kwinten WMJ, Leuteren PG van, Duren-van Iersel M van, Dik P, Jira P, Sens-u: continuous home monitoring of noctural bladder filling in children with enuresis – a feasibility study, 30th Congress ESPU(Nurses), Lyon, France, April 2019
Abstract: https://www.researchgate.net/
Leuteren PG van, W.M.J. Kwinten WMJ, Duren-van Iersel M van, Dik P, Jira P,
Feasibility of a wearable ultrasonic bladder sensor for monitoring of night-time bladder filling at home in children with enuresis, ICCS Meeting, Gdansk, Poland, September 2019
Abstract: https://www.researchgate.net/
Leuteren PG van, Nieuwhof-Lepping AJ, Jong, TVPM de, Dik P, Sens-U: Clinical evaluation of a full bladder notification - a feasibility study, 30th Congress ESPU-Nurses, Lyon, France, April 2019
Abstract: https://www.researchgate.net
Viester, MDM, Gebben, E, Tsachouridis, G, Kort LMO de, Graaf P de,
Is de urethra van hypospadiepatiënten anders? Moleculaire analyse en karakterisering middels immunohistochemie
Voorjaarsvergadering NVU, Rotterdam, 16 en 17 mei 2019
Viester MDM, Wanders M, Gebben E, Tsachouridis G, Kort LMO de, Graaf P de
Buccal mucosa in primary hypospadias surgery in prepubertal boys and a possible cause of high complication rate in hypospadias surgery. Molecular characterization and androgen receptor localization in buccal mucosa and urethra.
ICS2019, Gothenburg, Sweden September 3-6, 2019
Win G de, Jacobs T, Eerens S, Baets K de, Leuteren PG van, Volume-dependent catheterization with a wearable ultrasonic bladder sensor: a feasibility study , 30th Congress ESPU(Nurses), Lyon, France, 2019
Abstract: https://www.researchgate.net